I wholeheartedly recommend ________________ for admission to your fine university. As his high school music teacher for the past three years, I have had the pleasure of watching ____________ grow as a student, a young musician and a person.
He possesses a natural talent for music and is also academically accomplished. In the past, I have had students who either excel at improvisation or who take a more methodical approach to musical performance. ___________ is rare in that he possesses both abilities. He intuitively loves music, yes, but he is also has an insatiable curiosity about the "why" and "how" behind it.
Last year, _____________ stepped forward to help lead an after-school jazz band club. A group of students wanted to start the club, and while I was willing to serve as the official faculty sponsor for the activity, I warned them that I could not invest as much personal time as they may have desired. Boy, was my ego taken down a notch! ____________ effectively led the club, with admirable maturity and an all-inclusive approach that resulted in a fun group experience that culminated in a performance at a university festival at the end of the school year. _______________ is so gracious he refused to take much praise and instead thanked me for supporting the formation of the club.
__________________ is one of a handful of students about whom I have absolutely no reservations in terms of academic and personal success. I hold him in the highest regard, and am positive he will succeed in a university setting.
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