Ecology: Star vampires are interstellar beings. They are only found on Earth if summoned by a sorcerer or cult.

Personality/Motivations: A star vampire is driven by hunger, and is usually in search of prey. Sorcerers usually use them to dispatch troublesome foes.

Powers/Tactics: A star vampire attacks by grappling with a foe and then draining it's blood. It fill feed on a target until the target is dead, at which point it will discard the corpse and seek a new target.

Appearance: Star vampires are normally invisible. After feeding, it will become suffused with blood, and turn a reddish shade. At this point it will become visible as a huge reddish mass of jelly, tentacles, talons and feeding mouths. After a full Turn (12 Segments) the blood will be metabolized and the star vampire will turn invisible. Note that feeding is defined as doing damage with the blood drain.

Designer's Notes: The star vampire appears in the Robert Bloch's The Shambler From The Stars , where it eats a character who is obviously H. P. Lovecraft in disguise (HPL had his revenge by serving up one "Robert Blake" to a monster in The Hunter In The Dark ). It is an interstellar creature, like many other Lovecraftian monsters, and apparently dwells in deep space. Game Masters can alter this creature as they wish based on this information, giving it unusual senses (Spatial Awareness) and FTL flight.