You can more confidently search for homes with a Wells Fargo prequalification, which shows sellers you’re a serious buyer and gives you a better idea of your potential loan amount, monthly payment, and interest rate.
Apply online
Our simplified and secure online mortgage application will walk you through the process step by step. If you’re a Wells Fargo customer and use your Wells Fargo Online ® username and password at the start of your application we’ll prefill some of your information, making it easier to complete the application. Some features of the online application are not available with all loans. Ask a home mortgage consultant for details.
Talk to a consultant
You can also connect with a home mortgage consultant and have a conversation – about your home financing needs, your loan choices, and how much you may be able to borrow. When you’re ready, your home mortgage consultant will help you complete an application. Some features of the online application are not available with all loans. Ask a home mortgage consultant for details.
If you're buying a home, it's highly recommended that you obtain a property inspection and make your purchase offer contingent on the findings of the inspection.
There is a difference between a property inspection and an appraisal. An appraisal is required by most mortgage lenders in order to support the value of the real estate and the terms of the mortgage agreement.
While there are many areas of the country where attorneys are not typically used in real estate transactions, some states do require an attorney. If you're not sure of the state requirements, you can check with your home mortgage consultant.
Wells Fargo offers several low down payment options, including conventional loans (those not backed by a government agency).
Yes, you can make a payment and manage your mortgage account online, anytime. Gain instant access to your mortgage account details, loan history, tax and interest data, contact information updates, and more. It's fast and simple. Get more details
We can help you understand your options if you are facing payment challenges. Call 1-800-678-7986 .
Online Statements require Adobe ® Acrobat ® PDF reader. The length of time Online Statements are available to view and download varies depending on the product: up to 12 months for auto loans; up to 2 years for credit cards, home equity lines of credit, and personal loans and lines of credit; and up to 7 years for deposit accounts, home mortgage accounts, and trust and managed investment accounts. The length of time the specific product statements are available online can be found in Wells Fargo Online ® in Statements & documents. Availability may be affected by your mobile carrier's coverage area. Your mobile carrier’s message and data rates may apply.
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.