Residency Requirements: Undergraduates

If you are a nonresident undergraduate student under the age of 24, whose parents are not California residents, you most likely will remain classified as a nonresident for the duration of your undergraduate career. (Please note: The term parent as defined by UC Residency Policy is considered a biological or legally adoptive parent.)

This is due to UC’s one-year financial independence requirement. If you have moved to California specifically to attend UC Berkeley, you are here for educational purposes and may not be eligible for a resident classification for purposes of tuition and fees.

For a list of documents our office may request from you and your parents, you can visit the Forms web page and look at the documents located under Residency.

Please note: While the documents listed under the Residency section of the Forms page are likely to meet the needs of a majority of students who are petitioning, please be advised that additional documentation may still be necessary in some cases (e.g. immigration documentation, financial independence documentation, etc.).

Show All Hide All Requirements: Students Under Age 18

Physical Presence

Intent to Remain in California*

Your parents must establish legal ties to California by acquiring all applicable governmental evidence of intent by the relevant deadlines, and relinquishing ties to their previous place of residence:

*Intent is not limited to the terms listed here.

Requirements: Students Age 18-23

If you are dependent on California-resident parents, both you and your parents must be in an eligible immigration status and satisfy the "Physical Presence" and "Intent to Remain in California" requirements.

If you are not dependent on California-resident parents, you must be in an eligible immigration status and satisfy the "Physical Presence," "Intent to Remain in California," and "Financial Independence" requirements.

Eligible Immigration Statuses

Physical Presence

Intent to Remain in California*

You and your parents must establish legal ties to California by acquiring all applicable governmental evidence of intent by the relevant deadlines, and relinquishing ties to your previous place of residence:

*Intent is not limited to terms listed here.

Financial Independence

You must demonstrate financial independence (total self-sufficiency) for one full year immediately preceding the residence determination date of the term for which a resident classification is sought. This means you must have supported yourself with your own resources (employment, commercial/institutional loans in your name only, financial aid, and savings from earnings, all of which require official documentation) for one full year prior to the residence determination date.

You should be able to cover your basic expenses, which include tuition, rent, food, and vehicle (if applicable).

You also must not be claimed as an income tax dependent by any individual for the tax year immediately preceding the term for which a resident classification is sought.

The financial independence requirement will not be a factor in the residence determination if you meet at least one of the following criteria:

Requirements: Students Over Age 24

Physical Presence

Intent to Remain in California*

You must establish legal ties to California by acquiring all applicable governmental evidence of intent by the relevant deadlines, and relinquishing ties to your previous place of residence:

*Intent is not limited to terms listed here.